
Valar morghulis valar dohaeris wallpaper
Valar morghulis valar dohaeris wallpaper

valar morghulis valar dohaeris wallpaper valar morghulis valar dohaeris wallpaper

” Given that the last episode of the second season was named “Valar Morghulis” and the first episode of the third season is “Valar Dohaeris,” it seems sensible to consider these two episodes together because they are, if only ritually, conversing with each other.

valar morghulis valar dohaeris wallpaper

The title of the third season premier of Game of Thrones comes from the traditional Braavosi exchange: one meets the chipper greeting, “Valar Morghulis ” with the equally cheery response, “Valar Dohaeris. ( It goes without saying that this is one those visual rhetoric posts.)

Valar morghulis valar dohaeris wallpaper