
Fallout 4 brotherhood of steel
Fallout 4 brotherhood of steel

fallout 4 brotherhood of steel

Originally, the Brotherhood also controlled the regional West-Tek plant and office as well. However, with this came a reputation of being glorified raiders amongst the populace and news of Brotherhood Paladins approaching a settlement was often treated as a dire warning. Operating out of a hidden bunker complex to the east of Seattle, The Seattle Chapter of the Brotherhood operated openly, seizing any high-end technology they found in the wastes. They're secretive and reclusive, rarely actually sharing their discoveries and often keeping to themselves. In practice they're highly selective of what technology and information they seize, preferring anything with military potential such as high-end energy weapons and Power Armour.

fallout 4 brotherhood of steel

On an official level, they intend to salvage this knowledge and technology for the betterment of mankind in the Post-apocalyptic world.

fallout 4 brotherhood of steel

The Brotherhood of Steel is a pseudo-religious paramilitary organization that is devoted to recovering and preserving Pre-War technology and information.

Fallout 4 brotherhood of steel